Sunday, November 19, 2023

Book Review ~ Mother: What My Mother Taught Me About Life, Love, and Faith An Anthology by Christian Writers For Life Community


"The shape of a soul often begins with the loving hands of a mother." This quote is found on the book's back cover and describes what mothers can do for their children. 

"Mother: What My Mother Taught Me About Life, Love, and Faith" is an anthology of short stories that celebrate all mothers and mother figures from members of the online community, Christian Writers For Life. It was published in October, 2023. 

I contributed a story to the anthology, entitled, "My House Is Blessed From Double Love." The story about my mother, Emma Faye, and my paternal great-grandmother, Ollie Francis, shares how my childhood was enriched by their guidance and love. It's found on page 65. 

I celebrate publishing my story with this wonderful community of people. This story is the second one that I have published with CWFL. 

I encourage you to join Christian Writers For Life, found on Facebook and their website. Denise George and Rebecca Pounds George are the leaders and founders of this truly outstanding writing program that supports creative Christ-followers of both fiction and nonfiction. For more information, or to join CWFL, visit 

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