Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Blessings of the Heart: A Christmas Devotion


            Is your heart happy and healthy?  Do you feel good, celebrating your life the way you intend? Is your heart filled with love, grace, and hope? Or is your heart stony, one that is crowded with internal and external chaos? Do you suffer from loss or betrayal? Is your heart filled with fear, anger, or disappointment? Is it broken?

            Maybe your heart needs to be restored and rejuvenated. You need blessings, my friend.

            The word blessed is described in the dictionary as: made holy; consecrated. Synonyms for blessed are holy, hallowed, sanctified, dedicated, and revered.

            A few years back, God gave me three words. Those words were Believe, Slow down, and Listen. I pondered what they meant for me. I had no idea how they would impact my life. Through the years, I related many meanings to the words. I thought about each word separately and the group of words as a whole.

            Over time, through life’s ups and downs, I learned lessons. I suffered from grief when my husband unexpectedly passed away and I found him. Grief crippled me. Here I am today living with a heart full of blessings. Oh sure, some days aren’t easy. But today I’m learning how to embrace grace, renewal, and hope.  

            Let’s consider each word. Then we will explore ways to gather blessings.

            The word Believe. Believe in what or who? I believed in God, no doubt there. As the years passed, I learned that though I believed, I asked myself how deep did it go. In myself. In family and friends. Was I committed to believing? I had work to do.

            The words Slow Down. I’ve rushed through life, not stopping until my tasks were finished. Many people have the responsibilities of a spouse, children, family, and a day job. Days are filled from morning to night with work. Rushing is not a healthy way to live. This was hard for me to embrace. I had work to do.

            The word Listen. I was confident I listened well. The truth is I did not. I heard what others said, but I interrupted them by inserting my feelings and experiences on the matter. While they talked to me, I fidgeted, I doodled, I wasn’t a good listener. To God. To others. To myself. I had work to do.

            Here are ways I learned to find blessings to restore and revive my heart.

            BELIEVE. Communicate with God daily. Talk, laugh, cry, pray, and pour out your feelings. Open your Bible or a devotional guide and read. I made many mistakes, only to finally and fully believe that God is in control. He is in control of you, me, and the universe. Exercise faith that God is waiting to hear you and help you. In the good and bad of life, God is but a breath away.

            We have choices to make every day. Choose to believe. Believe in yourself. You are created by God. Your family is created by God. Even through the rotten times, believe that good things are going to happen! Jesus tells us in Scripture, “And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” (Mark 11:24 NKJV). Practice believing through faith, trust, and hope.

            SLOW DOWN. Prioritize your day, your week, and maybe an entire month. Rest a bit after you have accomplished something. Celebrate your success! Make lists of things to do. Lists are an organizational skill that keeps you on track. I make lists of where I am going and what I need to do.

            Say a prayer and be thankful for all that you have. Memorize a Bible verse to help you turn your thoughts heavenward and give your heart a calming boost.

            Learn to say “no” to things that steal your time. Take time for yourself. Do something that refreshes you and fills you with joy. Life is hard sometimes! Practice slowing down by taking a break, filling your thoughts with honor, comfort, and gratitude.  

            David writes, “Truly my soul silently waits for God; my salvation comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress; I will never be shaken.” (Psalms 62:1-2 NKJV).

            LISTEN. Listen to yourself.  Listen to others. Listen to God. Learn to listen to the sounds around you and to those speaking. Find a picture of something or someone and focus on it for a few minutes. Go outdoors to focus on what you hear. Close your eyes and enjoy the moment. Is there silence? Do you hear animals or the sounds of daily life? Play a CD and pay attention to the words of the song. Ponder what the words mean to you. 

            Learn to listen to yourself. Our actions and words come from our hearts. Are we respectful, full of love and grace? Are we living our lives in a worthy manner? Listen deeply and make changes if they are needed. Let the Lord lead you.

            The next time someone talks to you, focus on the conversation. Look at the speaker, open your ears, and hear. Respond very little, giving them your full attention and respect. Practice listening in love, encouragement, and grace.

            In the words of James, the brother of Jesus, he states, “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” (James 1:10 NKJV).

            This Christmas give yourself a gift of blessings. Be willing. Be encouraged. Be consistent. Be faithful to yourself! The Bible teaches that we go through storms of life. We will make mistakes, suffer loss, and encounter hurt. But our life walk is much better if we believe, slow down, and listen. Jesus tells us in the Book of Luke 11:9, “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (NKJV).

            God speaks to us in the Book of Ezekiel 36:26, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” (NKJV).

            These are only a few suggestions to help you gather blessings. While you are resting, think of other ways to bless yourself and other people this Christmas season. Believe, slow down and listen. In the Spirit of Christmas, let’s remember how the Grinch’s heart grew again after practicing forgiveness and kindness.

            Fill your heart with blessings! Merry Christmas!


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