Thursday, October 3, 2024

A Thrilling Drive

 A Thrilling Drive


Karen Jennings 


"It's such a nice evening for a drive," Eleanor told Will as they drove the stretch of gravel road west of Lakefield, Kansas. It was a bit cool for April, and the 1914 Oakland's open-air build didn't protect her from the elements. Her pea coat and gloves kept her snug, and her favorite black wool wide-brimmed hat protected her hair from tangling and her face from too much wind. 

"You're not too cold?" With admiration filling his eyes, Will glanced at his best girl at her classy look. His gloved hands never left the steering wheel of his Oakland Six motorcar. "And I hope you enjoy the surprise I have for you." 

"I'm warm as a bug in a rug. And please tell me what you're up to." 

Will slowed the car as he pulled it to the side of the road. "Alright. We're here." He climbed from the vehicle, went around, and opened the door. He swept his arm wide, waiting for her to get out. 

Eleanor's sweet smile faded. "We're in the middle of nowhere." 

He took her hand in his gloved one and helped her stand. Guiding her to the driver's side of the car, he opened the door. "Hop in, Sweetheart." 

He chuckled at the surprise covering her face. "I, I…no!" She shook her head, tears pooling in her eyes. "I can't drive your car!" 

Laughter filled the cool evening air. "That's why I'm teaching you!" Trust framed his blue eyes as he looked at her. 

Excuses tumbled from her lips, but he shushed her. "Do you need help getting in?" 

Confidence replaced the unshed tears. She gave him a glare. "Of course not!" She stepped on the running board, sat in the seat, and placed her hands on the steering wheel. 

Will stayed at her side. "I don't have to adjust the seat for you; it's just right!" 

"That's a plus, isn't it?" A little smile played around her mouth, and her cheeks warmed. Will must trust her because he loved his car and cared about keeping it clean, oiled, and up to par. He would never allow anyone to drive it. 

While he instructed her with the essential driving information, he assured her, "I'll be right beside you, so relax and let's have fun." He climbed into the Oakland. 

With each command, Eleanor responded, and she drove the Oakland down the road, little puffs of dust kicking up behind the wheels. Will's small talk comforted her as anxiety melted away. What a great feeling of freedom to drive a machine instead of a horse and buggy or a bumpy old farm wagon. 

"There's a curve up ahead, remember? When you get there, please slow down and maneuver around it. We'll stop, and I'll take over." 

Eleanor glanced at him and smiled. Will was calm. His arm rested on the top of the seat, his fingers near her shoulder. What a great surprise this was! Her body relaxed even more, confidence building with each roll of the tires. "Why don't I stop before we get to the curve…just in case?" 

Will shook his head, "Nah, you're doing great, kid!" His smile was infectious. "You can go a little faster to get the feel of speed." 

Eleanor put pressure on the pedal, and the car moved faster. The butterflies that swarmed her belly earlier seemed to fly away with the vehicle as it traveled smoothly toward the setting sun. Cool wind ruffled her hair beneath her hat. But the black felt hat flew away when a gust roared through the car. 

"Oh!" Caught off guard, she watched the hat tumble and land on the dusty roadway. It would be ruined.

 Eleanor caught sight of a car rounding the curve, heading toward them. Panic punched her belly as she pushed the brake pedal, jerking the steering wheel to the right. The Oakland screeched and whined as the back tires caught the loose gravel. Sliding into the ditch, it roared to a stop.

 Dust billowed, covering them with fine grit. The other car pulled to the side of the roadway, and the driver rushed to help. "Are you okay? What happened?"

 Tears slid down Eleanor’s face as she sat rigid and still. She couldn't get a word to leave her mouth. What had she done? What if the car was broken? She'd have to pay for it! And Will would never let her drive again! Worst of all, she would never want to drive again, ever. Dread seized her heart. What if they broke up over this wreck? She would be a wreck if that happened!

 Fortunately, Will remained calm. "My lady lost her hat, and I do believe she reacted by hitting the brake a bit hard."

 "I'll wait and make sure it starts up again before I skedaddle into town," the older man told them.

 Sure enough, Will brought the Oakland to life again, and they waved to the man as he left. Turning onto the roadway, he braked. Taking Eleanor's hand, he squeezed. "Are you okay? No bumps or scratches?"

  "No, I'm fine." Her heart said otherwise. A tear betrayed her. "I'm sorry, Will!"

 He shook his head. "Silly, we are safe, the Oakland isn't hurt, so cheer up. We've had a grand adventure! At least I know what the old girl will do on a dusty, gravelly road!" His chuckle was harmony to her ears. “But…” he looked at her. “We may have to buy you a new hat.”

 "Why do you surprise me all the time?" She cocked her head and stared at him.

 His look did the talking. "Because I intend to marry you one day!" 

The End

I hope you enjoyed reading this partial scene from my historical womens fiction novel, A Path To a Promise. If you did, please leave me a comment below. Writers love hearing from readers, it’s important to connect and encourage one another. Have a blessed day ~ Karen  


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