Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Learning Life's Little Lessons ~ Learning!

 My One Word for 2024 is Learn. What a solid word to focus on this year.  

2023 was full of ups and downs for me. It was in those ups and downs that I knew God got me through all of it. I have arrived at that glorious point that "it is what it is" and usually I can't do anything about it. The Serenity Prayer comes to mind. If I can change it, then I will, if I can't change it, I'll let it go. And God helps me with it. 

Now in my life, I'm extremely happy. I don't wish to travel, I don't wish for grand things, I have exactly what I need, I'm happy living by myself, and I know and love Jesus Christ the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and my Savior.

I'm blessed. I'm content. I look forward to this New Year and what I will be learning. 2023 my learning time was filled with writing. This year it will be same because there's always something to learn! 

It is reflecting on our day that helps us learn. We renew our spirit, and we rest in that quiet sanctuary where God dwells with us. We must believe, slow down, and listen. And, don't forget to learn those little life lessons that come your way.

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