Sunday, December 17, 2023

Book Review ~ Evening Reflections: Resting In the Treasures of God's Word ~ Merry Christmas!

 It's almost time for my book to be released on Amazon! It's an exciting moment in my life. I've worked hard on it and prayed over it. It's not my book - it's God's book. I asked Him, "Not my words, but yours." Here it is! 

       I love it! The cover portrays resting in the evening and reading about God. I got the idea for REST in February 2023 and from there, I grew it into a 30-day devotional. It has three sections: Believe, Slow Down, and Listen and within those sections are 10 daily focus words. Each evening includes the focus word, a Scripture, a short devotional, and a prayer. Sometimes I offer a quote, a beloved childhood song suggestion, or a suggestion to learn more about a special Bible character.  Readers can decide how long they want to spend each evening: five minutes or thirty minutes, it's up to them. When I discovered that my nightly reading helped me sleep better, that's when I wanted to share what I learned. I practiced turning my thoughts into good ones, not dwelling on the problems of the day, what was going on in life, etc. Sometimes it is still a struggle to wrangle those thoughts back in line, but I focus and it happens!

      God has led me for such a time as this! Since my husband's death, I've come through the fire of grief and deep sorrow to totally depend on God. Jesus wraps His healing arms around me as I step through the day. 

     It is my hope that the book finds its way into all the hands of those who need to discover this routine to help them reflect on their day, renew their spirit, and rest well at night. 

     It's going to be published this coming week...just in time for Christmas 2023! Again, it's God's perfect timing! The book will make a great gift for yourself and for your family and friends who need relief. 

     Merry Christmas from my house to yours and may God bless your New Year! 

     P.S. A New Year, A New You ~ grab the book and start your 2024 reflecting, renewing, and resting! 




Evening Reflections: Resting In the Treasures of God's Word ~ My First Nonfiction Book!


Friday, December 15, 2023



NOTE: Fields Photography traveled the Ozarks countryside capturing the times of the day before settling down in Cassville, Missouri. I write more about traveling photographers in another blog post, see more...

After I began selling my freelance writing, I decided I wanted to write something for a special magazine dear to the hearts of Ozarkians, "The Ozarks Mountaineer." In my neck of the woods to be published in that magazine meant you were a top-notch writer with a heart for the Missouri Ozarks and the details of Ozarks life. 

I queried the editor at that time, Mr. Clay Anderson, time after time with stories I, and my writing mentor, Kay Hively who is now deceased, just knew fit the Mountaineer like it should. Nope. Anderson turned my queries down every single time. I was devastated as the proverbial writer should be. 

I labored, I toiled, and I wrote/rewrote many articles that I just knew fit the specialized magazine. Never did I publish one single article with Mr. Clay Anderson. 

One day while looking through my old photographs during a family history search, I ran across the family photographs taken by Fields Photo of Cassville, Missouri. Fields had long since passed on and his treasure trove of old negatives was housed at the Barry County Museum located in Cassville, Missouri. 

The idea struck. I would write about the Ozarkian famous photographer, Fred Fields! And I did. I used a couple of my family's photos with the Fields logo imprinted on them, decided to name the manuscript "Photographing the Ozarks," and sent the query to the editor. It was not Clay Anderson! Mr. Fred Pfister had taken over the editor's desk when Anderson died. Pfister loved the article and agreed to publish it! 

When I received the check in the mail for my story, I won. I persevered, wrote, rewrote, and wrote again, and finally found the story that was "just right" for the good old magazine. The Mountaineer is now defunct. But my story is a part of the legacy. 

My beautiful article was published in  THE OZARKS MOUNTAINEER magazine during the Summer of 2011. Here's a photo of the summer edition.

It all started when Fred Fields went to college in Oklahoma and learned photography while working in the college lab. After graduation, Fields went to work in a photographer’s studio in Dodge City, Kansas. It was there he met and married his wife, Cleo. Fields enjoyed photography and he wanted to make it his mission in life. One day he and Cleo took off traveling in the countryside, going from town to town taking pictures. That was back in the good old days of the 1930s. By then, the couple had nicknamed each other “Pa” and “Ma.”  When they rolled into Cassville, Missouri, they decided to make the Barry County town their home.

Here's a photo of the spread.

Photography had grown to be a popular occupation as well as a hobby for people since the early days of its inception, but in the heart of the Depression, money was tight. After Pa and Ma Fields set up their photography studio in an upstairs building on the Cassville Square, they offered tiny gem-style photos measuring one-inch x one-and-one-half inches and sold them three for a dollar. Business bloomed and Fields Photo Shop was born. Fields was living his dream.

During the Depression years, the Fields boosted their photography business by advertising they would photograph anything, anywhere, anytime. The couple began traveling around the area photographing people, architecture, events, and nature. My Utter family began an annual reunion in 1935 at Big Spring Park in Neosho, Missouri. Each year the Utters counted on Fields to photograph their event.

In those early days, Fields Photo took pictures of local and area-wide schools. Along with photographing individual children, many graduating classes are preserved in formal groups. The Rocky Comfort Elementary School in McDonald County, south of Longview, owns a vintage set of graduating class pictures.  As a traveling photographer, Fields soon adopted the slogan, “Photographing the Ozarks.”

During World War II, the photography business slowed down as film was hard to get due to military demands. Fields saved what film he had for photographing the spouses and children of those in the military. In the 1940s, Fields bought a parrot and named her Polly. Polly stayed in the studio and was a favorite of customers. The camera captured the smiles and laughter brought about by Polly. To help ease the stress of waiting or sitting for the camera, Ma Fields used many tactics such as tickling children on the belly with a yardstick to make them laugh.

In 1952, the Fields’ son, Max, and his wife, Margie, joined the photography team.

During this time, the studio’s name changed to Fields’ Photo and Camera Shop. Fields added photography supplies such as cameras, film, batteries, and General Electric flash bulbs. They also added a new wholesale route to customers farther south of Cassville. In 1957, Pa and Ma Fields retired from managing the photography studio but continued to help with the Kodak finishing until 196

After moving their photography studio again in 1962, Fields Photo and Camera Shop remained at 903 Main Street in Cassville until the business closed. When Max Fields bought a computer for the office, they used it to begin the monumental task of cataloging the old negatives. It took seven years to finish, but the project helped birth what was to come.

Through the years, the Fields family flew nationwide from New York to California and everywhere in between to photograph weddings, reunions, business and civic groups, military units, fraternal organizations, and schools. Ma Fields passed away in 1984 and Pa Fields in 1987. In 1988, after more than 55 years of serving the public, Max Fields decided to discontinue retail sales and portraiture and specialize in large group photos, school photos, and sports photography

In 1995, the building was sold and the processing laboratory, along with the one million negatives weighing 3900 pounds, was moved to the Fields’ residence. Max and Margie continued to serve the public by offering a place where customers could browse the listing of old negatives, find what they wanted, and have them reprinted. Imagine the excitement this process served when genealogists, looking for long-lost ancestor’s pictures, finally found them! It was also a great endeavor for local historical projects and a Cassville bank began printing yearly calendars featuring historical Barry County photos made from the old negatives.

Eventually, Max and Margie Fields retired, and Max formed a plan to keep all of the negatives of the pictures he had taken safe. The negatives were moved to the new Barry County Museum, located on Highway 112 in Cassville, Missouri. There, the Fields Photo archives, housed inside the museum, is open to the public. Visitors may search the collection by subject name and then request a contact sheet of pertinent negatives. Fees for the reprints vary according to the print size ordered. All profits are donated to the Barry County Historical Society

The Archives is a treasure for genealogists and historians. According to the staff at the Barry County Museum, business is brisk for reprints from the old negatives. Through the years, my family frequented Fields Photo Shop. My personal album of photographs documented generations of grandparents, parents, siblings, and myself posing for the camera.

Fred “Pa” Fields began living his dream in the 1930s. He enjoyed serving the public and traveling miles to preserve people’s smiles, capture regional and local history, and visually record life in the Ozarks. His dream lives on as the Archives continue to serve the public. Photographing the Ozarks is exactly what Pa and Ma Fields did. On the second page, upper right corner is a photograph of my late Grandad, Perry Gresham Utter, who sat for a professional photo session with Fields during the 1950s.


1. Interview with Max Fields, Cassville, Missouri, by Karen Utter Jennings, 03 April 2009. Transcript held in 2009 by Utter Jennings, Neosho, Missouri.

2. BARRY COUNTY REFLECTIONS. Barry County Museum Quarterly Volume 11, Issue 3, (September 2009) 4.

 3. Interview with Margie Fields, Cassville, Missouri, by Karen Utter Jennings, 28 December 2009. Transcript held in 2009 by Utter Jennings, Neosho, Missouri.

 4. Max Fields. HISTORY OF FIELDS’ PHOTO – CASSVILLE, MO. 2004. Barry County, MO online database accessed at Fields data downloaded 17 October 2009. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Rocky Corners, Missouri ~ Town Takes on Turkey Trot ~ A Story of Forgiveness

 low whistle on the cell phone alerted Logan Wells there was a message. He pulled the dip net loaded with soggy, matted leaves out of the fish hatchery raceway. Then dumped them into a plastic barrel

 beside the Cushman. Falling leaves were a daily plague for the raceways. At the Ozarks Springs State

 Fish Hatchery, the chore was never-ending until the end of November when the final leaves dropped.

            Logan stopped to check the phone. His eleven-year-old son kept in touch, so his dad knew what was going on in his world. The world of junior high.

            The message was from his brother, Colton. It read, “Hey, we need to talk. Meet me at the Grill, 5 o’clock sharp. Don’t be late.” It was just like Colton to tell, not ask.

            Logan jabbed the net deep into the water. His mouth clamped shut, his fists tightened on the handle. After almost a year of not speaking, Colton probably intended to guilt him into helping on the tree farm. Not a chance! Nope. Nada.

            The net brought up a smattering of leaves. His huff almost matched the wind whipping through the trees. Logan ignored the message and finished the job for the day.


            A week later, Colton Wells sat in a booth by the windows in Mom’s Home Cooking restaurant eating lunch. His pencil poised above a yellow legal pad, his brow furrowed. He worked on a list of things to do. He liked lists. Lists kept him on track. The to-do list grew longer while his confidence grew shorter.

            Reaching for the water glass, he kept his eyes on the paper. The Rocky Corners’ annual turkey shoot was scheduled for the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, he was thrown into the planning of it due to the regular senior fellows not being able to oversee it. Chuck had died over the summer, and then Dave and Bill got sick. Life complications happened. Nothing to do but continue. Try to do the best job possible.

            Also, this year many vendors scheduled their time at other festivals in the area, leaving this year’s event sparse. He needed volunteers to donate their time, talent, and prizes. If he could not get enough help, it was sketchy if the shoot would take place. At this point, there was no guarantee.

            Colton shook his dark head, popping a French fry in his mouth. He had to make sure this year’s shoot was successful. He was a Wells man, after all. He prided himself on getting things done. A mover and a shaker. As a supervisor at the Comfort Step shoe factory, his job demanded he work hard and efficiently.

            The front doorbells jingled a welcome. Colton watched his brother walk in. Heat climbed his face. He swallowed his food. Pressing his lips together he realized his hands trembled. He watched Logan speak to the waitress.

            Logan didn’t respond to his text. That meant he was still mad. It would be a year at Christmas when he’d said things so badly that now Logan refused to speak. And all because of an innocent game of football in their parents’ backyard. The most wonderful time of the year ended in ruin.  

            Over the months Colton wanted to make amends. His wife and parents had reminded him of it when they were together. Somehow life interfered and it never happened.

            He watched Kaylee Hammons, the waitress, bring three white sacks and a cardboard caddy filled with drinks to the counter. Logan was going to pay and then leave.

            Wiping a sweaty hand on his jeans, Colton stood up. It was now or never. Time was running out. His chest tightened, almost stopping him. But pride marched his legs toward the counter. Toward the man, he owed an apology.

            Logan looked up and saw Colton. Without a word, he grabbed the bags and drinks and headed to the door.  


            The chatter in the restaurant almost drowned out the name. But it didn’t.

            Logan stopped.

            Colton swallowed hard. His stomach turned into a fire pit. “Talk to me.”

            “I’ve got to get this back to the guys.” No eye contact.


            Logan continued to the door, throwing back an answer, “Talk fast.”

            Colton followed, telling him about his dilemma. “A few of the old-timers have gotten sick. Chuck passed away; you probably know that. I was pressured into organizing it.”

            Logan kept his poker face, listening to his brother’s deep tone. He heard the plea inside. 

            “You know people who will volunteer. I can’t fail! It’s been the town’s tradition for many moons.”

            Logan reached the truck door and opened it, setting the bags and drinks in the seat. He shut the door, turned, and eyed Colton. His deep blue eyes were locked with brown ones. For a breath of time, there was silence. Strong will butted with stronger will. Battles sometimes were silent.

            “You have just as many friends as I do. You’re doing fine without me.
            Colton’s face fell. “I’ve wanted to apologize, I just never got around to it!”

            Logan shook his raven-haired head. “You know where I live, and you’ve purposefully ignored the times I’ve been at Mom and Dad’s. I don’t need your drama! And calling me names and barking orders gets old.”

            Colton’s face fell even further. He swallowed hard. His day grew darker. “If I could take the words back, I would. I can’t. I’m sorry!”

            Shaking his head, Logan strode to the driver’s side of the truck, hopping inside. “So, you can use me for your gain!”

            Colton listened, his eyes downcast, shaking his head, and chewing on his lower lip. “That’s not it!” When the truck fired up, he stepped back.

            His words were lost in the air as Logan drove away. With a sagging posture and his arms hanging by his side, he went inside to get the papers he left on the table. He realized he might never see Logan again.

            Remembering the accusations about barking orders to everyone stung. His intentions were never to come across as hateful. He wanted things to get done. To work hard and achieve success.

            Scratching his bearded jaw, he had to talk to his friends about this. He wanted to know what others thought about him. About the situation. Because he did not have a problem.

                                                                        * * *

             A week later, Logan set his lunch sack inside the refrigerator at the fish hatchery.  Grabbing bottled water, he headed out to the waiting Cushman. Today he was moving the rainbow trout fry to a bigger raceway on the north side of the hatchery’s property.

            A honk from the parking lot stopped him. Henry Wells pulled in and cut the motor to his brown Dodge Durango. He jogged over to his son, his unzipped jacket flapping in the cool morning air.

            He took a couple of deep breaths before speaking. His blue eyes were like the afternoon sky, a reflection of Logan’s eyes. “I wanted to catch you before you got away!”

            “What’s wrong? Is Mom okay?”

            Henry’s face grew solemn. His mouth was a line of wrinkles. “Your mother’s fine, but we need to talk. Will Herb mind if we take a few minutes?”

            “Let’s go ask him.” Logan led the way to the hatchery office.

            Inside, Herbert Walker, the hatchery manager, told them to take all the time they needed.

            Logan’s stomach did a flip. Something was wrong. His dad never bothered him at work.  

            “Is Mom okay?”

            “Like I said, she’s fine, but your brother is not.”

            “What?” Logan ran his hand through his raven hair, and he slumped into a padded chair. He tried to swallow the heaviness in his throat.  

            Henry Wells’ face mirrored that of Logan, except for lines and wrinkles. His eyes held heaviness. Once-raven hair now peppered with gray, was short in a well-kept style.

            “This feud with your brother has gone on long enough.” His voice was small, and quiet. “It’s time to make up and move forward.”

            Logan’s face bunched in a frown. “Why are you telling me, Dad? You should be talking to him!”

            “I already have many times. Right after you two talked at the restaurant, he went home and lost his temper with Kamyrn. I won’t go into details, but we went over after Jennifer called and met at the dining table.”

            “I’m not surprised!” Logan interrupted, choking back harsh words he would rather not say in front of his dad.

            “Jennifer also called Pastor Rick. Rick talked to Colton about a helpline for anger and told him there are people eager to help. Colton finally admitted he had a problem and allowed Rick to make the call. They got him in right away! He’s been seeing a counselor and taking anger classes every evening since. You know how they book appointments out so far in advance? To get him in immediately, that’s divine intervention!”

            He went on. “Just before we left, Colton had an episode and Jennifer rushed him to the ER. We thought it was a heart attack, but it was stress. Dr. Clark knows how driven Colton is, that he’s an overachiever. He said if things don’t change one of these days, he would suffer for it.” Henry stopped for a minute. A weak smile filled his lined face. “Logan, a lot was accomplished that night.”

            “Good. Colton has to change, Dad. He can’t keep treating us like soldiers in boot camp!”

            “I get it, Son, I really do.” Henry nodded. “And I know it’s only been a few days, but he knows if it happens again, Jennifer will leave. He understands he has a problem.”

            Logan processed the conversation. No one changed overnight. And especially Colton, the biggest drill sergeant of them all! He kept his thoughts to himself.    

            The clock ticked like steps to the gallows as the silence ensued.

            “Colton’s got to learn his lesson! I feel bad for Jenn and Kam, but I’m out of his life.”       

            “You’re wrong. He must apologize and you must accept and forgive him. It’s the way. You know what forgiveness is.”

            Logan’s head hung low, not far from the hatchery's tiled floor. Inside, his gut burned.

            “We’re tired of this feud tearing our family apart. Thanksgiving won’t be a family get-together unless all of you kids are there.”’

            “How many times will he get away with treating us like this?”

            “He doesn’t want to cause you more stress. I told him I’d tell you what happened. And that’s not your brother copping out. He truly doesn’t want to cause you more hurt.”

            A little muscle creased Logan’s jawline. How could he take a chance and see Colton? He imagined the scenario. If Colton got mad, he could always leave. Gulping back bitter hurt, he didn’t want to push it.  

            Logan closed his eyes. Colton was a good man. A loving husband to Jennifer. A caring father to Brett and Kamyrn. He missed the comradery they once shared. The fishing trips. That’s where he got the scar above his right eye, from a wayward fishing hook. He remembered the hunting excursions.  

            The turkey shoot! The. Turkey. Shoot.

            Logan shot out of his chair, grabbing his dad’s arm. “Dad, the turkey shoot! The last time I heard it might not happen. Did he get help?”

            Henry answered, “That’s another problem. Between work and counseling, he’s not had time. It looks like the shoot will be limited to ten turkeys at most.”  

            Logan’s eyes went wide as the cold blue November sky. He choked back a rumble in his chest. The town’s big Thanksgiving turkey shoot was dwindling away. “Ten! Why that’s not enough to even show up!”

            Releasing his dad’s arm, he stepped back. His mind whirled with thoughts. He would call his buddies for help. Today was Monday. There was much to do to get the town’s Thanksgiving tradition back on track! And make one last effort to forgive Colton.

            “I’ve got to get to work, but I’ll call this evening.”   

            “Bring Deryck and come to supper.”

            “We’ll be there.” Logan went to work.

                                                                       * * *

             Jennifer Wells answered the door that late afternoon. She ushered her brother-in-law to the den where Colton sat on the sienna-colored sectional.

            Sipping on iced tea, Colton read the latest copy of Hunters Today magazine. His feet propped on the low coffee table. A bowl of buttered popcorn set to the side.

            “You have a visitor,” she announced, her voice sweet, low. She flipped on the brass lamp. The room filled with a soft glow.

            Hands buried in his pants’ pockets; Logan waited. He didn’t want to stay long.

            Colton set the tea glass on the side table. Drawing himself up, he saw Logan. He cleared his throat. Dogearing the magazine page, he laid it aside. Looking down at his feet, his eyes grew wide. Little brown reindeer with red noses danced around Christmas-green socks. He quickly lowered his feet to the carpet.

            “Too late, I saw them.”

            Colton frowned. “That’s my wife’s idea of getting into the holiday spirit.”

            Jennifer came back with a chuckle, “But they’re so festive!”

            Logan noticed that was enough to clear the air from what he felt when he first stepped into the room. His shoulders relaxed as he sat across from Colton.

            “I’ll get you a glass of tea.” She disappeared from the room.

            Logan assessed his brother. Pushing away the anxiety that threatened, he waited. He hoped that his father was right. To know Colton was on his way to big changes.

            “Dad told you what happened?” Colton asked.  

            Logan nodded. “He told me.”

            Colton held up his right hand, then lowered it. He cringed, cleared his throat twice, and rubbed his face that bunched into a frown. Looking at Logan, he admitted, “I’m embarrassed.”

            He fiddled with the white string of his gray sweatpants. “Pressuring people, unloading my feelings on them. Being downright mean to everybody! I’ve been brought to my knees. Pastor Rick is helping me find the way back to my true self. Kind of like the lost sheep story, ya know?”

            Logan listened. Faith and caution warred within. He fought to keep cool and calm. After all that had happened, it was hard to be here. Hard to look at him.

            “My counselor suggested that I apologize to everyone I’ve hurt. That took a few days.” Colton’s voice cracked. He covered it with a cough. “I’ve apologized by either going to the person, making a phone call, or writing it down, throwing the paper away. Except for you.”

            Logan’s mouth went dry. He bowed his head. He struggled to speak. Inside he wanted to shout at Colton. Accuse him. Belittle him. But he controlled himself.   

            “But I was afraid to go see you. For one, you didn’t want to see my face. And another, you probably thought I’d bite your head off. Dad said he’d talk to you. I’m more than sorry. I’m guilty and ashamed.”  

            Colton looked heavenward. “God is helping me see that anger is overpowering me.”

            Logan saw peace covering his brother’s face. A peace that he wanted, too. But peace came at a cost. Forgiveness. Faith. Hope. Without forgiving, there would be no peace. No hope.

            At that moment, Jennifer brought Logan the tea. She smiled at both men, then added to the conversation. “Logan, all I ask is that you try to believe Colton. He is sincere. He is changing. Believe. Please.”

            Logan nodded. He took a long drink of the minty, sweet brew.

             “The entire town knows about my explosive behavior.” A low cry came from his lips.

            Jennifer responded, laying a hand on her husband’s shoulder. “Pastor Rick and Dr. Clark had strong words for him the other night. He said it’s time to own the anger and stop treating people like he has. And, that we all make mistakes, and say things out of anger.”

            Colton swiped his eyes. “I’m learning that words are powerful. And once we say them, we can’t take them back. I’m sorry for yelling at you last year at mom and dads. And for all the times I might have tried to come off as joking when I really meant what I said. Pastor and my counselor both hit me hard on that one.”


            “I promise to respect and value you as my brother. I hope, at least someday, you can forgive me. I’ve got a long way to go.” 

            Logan’s face grew warm, tears welling in his eyes. Oh gee, was he going to cry? Well, it wouldn’t be the first time Colton had witnessed his soft side. Leaning in, he answered. “I do want to believe you. For your sake, I want you to stop trying to control everyone and everything.”

            Colton let out a low chuckle, not the funny kind, the nervous kind. The kind that said he had been found out. No more lying about the way he treated people.

            “You’re so right. Miss Pat laid it on the line. My repentance is more than talk, it’s changed behavior. I thought I had to impress people. No more.”

            “Miss Pat?”

            “Oh, she’s my counselor.”  

            At that moment, Logan made a choice. To believe in his brother. His heart filled with hope. He needed to forgive Colton. Take one more chance.

            Logan stood. Holding out his hand, he said, “I do forgive you. I believe you. And I’m happy that you’re getting help.”

            Looking up, Colton cleared his throat. He stood and the two met in a bear hug, each pummeling the other with soft fists.

            Joy filled the room. Happiness surrounded each of them as they said their goodbyes.

             Logan stopped at the doorway. “By the way, I’d like to have a pair of those reindeer socks.”

            Colton’s laughter bounced off the walls. 

            Raising his hand, Logan said, “For Deryck.”

            Jennifer assured him. “I’ll get a pair and you can pay me back.”

            As Logan closed the front door, he heard Colton’s laughter. He knew God answered prayers. And now, he had a mission to do.

                                                                          * * *

             Saturday’s mid-morning weather was sunny and bright, but cold. It was the last weekend before Thanksgiving. The Rocky Corners Turkey Shoot activities sprung to life. Rows of long tables held local food, vegetables, and crafts. A small petting farm, filled with baby animals, occupied the south end where the 4-H building was located. Vehicles crowded the parking areas. People were ready to shop for the wares at the farmer’s market.

            Workers, vendors, and volunteers busied themselves preparing for the day’s event. Buttery, yeasty scents of homemade bread and popped popcorn filled the air. Mixing in with the sweet smells of the harvested apples and pears in bushel baskets. White garlic braids and onion bunches hung from poles above the tables. They swung in the slight breeze.

            Children of all ages ran about enjoying games of Football Toss and Corn Hole. Cider and donuts along with samples of clover honey, jalapeno jelly, and salty crackers filled bowls on Mrs. Ford’s table.

            At the rodeo grounds across the way, tall poles held a canvas sign announcing the 3k Town Turkey Trot. The startup began near the tables and went around the rodeo arena twice, then on to the finish line.

            Sponsored by the Springville Food Festival Foundation, men and women worked at the booth, preparing for the race. Dollar donation jars sat among brightly colored T-shirts. Comical-colored felt turkey headbands, hats, and turkey costumes graced the tables. Food donation drop-off barrels stood guard at the end. 

            Ed Martin used a bullhorn. “Hurry and sign up for the Trot! It’s for a good cause! The Food Foundation’s Thanksgiving baskets! Runners can compete to set a record or walk or trot! Or do the race, then stuff your face!”

            People cheered, gathering around the booth and admiring the offerings. Faith Wells helped with the signups. “We have the kids Gobble Wobble for the littles. It’s a half mile for ages three through ten.” Several families bought turkey costumes or hats and placed them on their children for the Wobble.  

            Logan arranged the bows, the guns, and the paper targets at three back tables in the shooting shed. Deryck stood by his side, listening to his dad. “Now remember, the squads can sign up for five rounds for a dollar each. And make sure everyone is listening to the range officer.”

            At that moment, Colton, Jennifer, and Kamyrn arrived. Colton exclaimed, “I can’t believe this! Look what you’ve done!” He moved his arm in a sweeping motion. “What you’ve done for Rocky Corners!”  His voice was level. Sincere. Happy. He fist-pumped the air.

            Deryck’s smile grew almost as wide as his face. Little brown freckles bunched up with his grin. “Dad, you’re the best!” He hugged Logan tightly.

            Logan ducked his head, a dark curl flopping downward. Jamming his hands inside the pockets of his canvas coveralls. He resisted taking any glory for it. He did the work for his town. For his brother. For the Lord, who gave in abundance.

            “I’m glad my friends had friends who knew friends. When word got out about the turkey shoot dwindling down to nothing, Faith talked to the school officials, and they got involved. Someone contacted the Springville Turkey Trotters Association. From there it went wild.” Humbleness laced every word.

            Colton’s smile was as big as the harvest moon. His eyes gleamed as he watched the hustle and bustle around them. Young folks sitting on hay bales eating caramel apples. A high schooler hoisted little ones onto Shetland ponies. Cheers rang through the air for the Turkey Trot racers. The Veterans gathered with flags flying to have their turkey shoot.

            Jennifer made her way to help at the cider and donut booth. Kamryn kissed her dad’s cheek then ran off to help her teenage friends wrap gifts at the holiday tables.

            “I had a choice to make. Work on the shoot or go to counseling.” Colton looked heavenward, and moved his lips in a silent “thank you.”

            Loretta Wells touched her sons’ shoulders. “I’m helping with the bake sale from church. After the cleanup, come tonight for chili.”

            “Be there or be square.” Henry joked as he guided his wife to the bake sale tent.

            Loud metallic ringing peeled through the air. Sam Parsons’ young grandson pulled the rope of the old school bell hanging from the rafters of the shooting shed. It was time for the Rocky Corners Turkey Shoot. While the range officer announced the rules, people bought targets and got in line.  

            Mick Myers, the local reporter for the Rocky Corners News, stepped close. An Eversharp tucked behind his ear, a paper pad in hand. A big camera hung around his neck. “Looks like I’ve got some reportin’ to do!” He looked around in all directions. “The town takes on a turkey trot and a turkey shoot.” He laughed. “There’s the headline!”

            Colton and Logan snickered, then moved on to help their friends. Satisfaction and pride etched their faces. Their town was the best. 

            The festivities and comradery proved that small-town communities unite to take care of their own. In the seasons of change, they learn life’s lessons and work through the ups and downs. In times of rocky challenges, there is comfort right around the corner. With a little help from above.                                                                                                                                     

                                                                          The End

The Surprise Birthday Surprises ~ a story written for two of my great-grandchildren, Claira and Creed


            “Catch that rooster!” Urgency rang loud and clear. It was time for all of the animals to go to bed, but Captain Spaulding ran amuck in the barnyard like he did every single night. If the rooster wasn’t important, these moments would be laughable. But he had a job to do as the head rooster in the henhouse, so he could not be left out of the chicken coop at night.

            “Claira, you stay there, and I’ll run toward Captain and maybe we can catch him that way!” Gammy shouted to her granddaughter.

            Claira answered, “Alright!” Claira really did not want to catch the rooster, especially since he had long hooked spurs on the ends of both his legs. She knew roosters were not very nice sometimes and those spurs hurt when they gouged human skin. Chickens and roosters squawked and flapped their wings, which scared her.

            As Gammy ran toward the beautiful green, red, black, and yellow feathered rooster, Claira stood with her arms outstretched hoping she looked fierce enough that the rooster did not try any shenanigans. Just to make sure, she bared her teeth, and a frown puckered her face and she pumped her arms up and down in a menacing way.

            Captain Spaulding ran faster toward Claira while Gammy was running up behind him, waving her arms and shooing at him. Just when Claira thought the rooster was going to win this game of running amuck, Gammy swooped in and caught him up in her arms. The plaid flannel shirt she wore protected her arms from the rooster’s spurs.

            “Not this time, Captain!” Gammy announced as Claira did a cheer right there in the yard.

            “You did it, Gammy! I knew you’d catch that crazy chicken!” A big grin replaced the frown that had spread across her sweet face and her eyes twinkled.

            Claira followed her grandmother to the henhouse as Captain Spaulding squawked and tried to flap his wings in a getaway attempt. But he was not getting loose again tonight. Tonight, he would be put up with the rest of the flock of chickens for a good night’s rest.

            Just as the henhouse door was shut and fastened tight, cars honking on the highway blared a warning.

            Claira looked down the hill and saw several cars stopped on the highway allowing the gaggle of geese and guineas to cross safely, but the fowl took their time, stopping to peck at the pavement looking for a late-night supper.

            “Oh no, Gammy, look!” Claira shouted, pointing toward the bottom of the hill where the wayward fowl were causing a big ruckus.

            “Let’s go!” Gammy shouted and headed down the hill.

            Just as Gammy and Claira arrived at the highway, the last of the fat speckled guineas and cute white geese waddled safely across the road. The stopped cars sped down the highway and out of view.

            As they approached Claira and Gammy, their screeching grew louder as they sounded the alarm that someone new was with their owner.                                                                                 

            Gammy laughed. “They know you’re with me and they don’t like it! Let’s shoo them on up to the barnyard, Claira!” Gammy again waved her arms and shouted.

            Claira followed Gammy up the hill and ran ahead holding the big aluminum gate open so the foul could go inside. She listened to the honking white geese with fat yellow legs, feet, and beaks. They were her favorites; she didn’t care for the guineas as they cackled, called, and caused an uproar over basically nothing. The ducks were more serene in their barnyard banter.

                Gammy joined Claira and closed the gate behind them.

            “Those guineas hurt my ears with all their clucking!” Claira announced, looking at her grandma and covering her ears.

            Gammy laughed. “That’s why when I’m alone I wear my earbuds to help close out all their squawking!”

            “Good idea!” Claira gave her a thumbs up. “Now what are we going to do?”

            “Let’s wake up Creed so he can join us while we do the dogs' chores.”

            “I can do that!” Claira shouted and headed inside the house to get her brother.

            Creed was already awake and was watching the spectacle from the window.

            “Creed, it’s time to do the dog chores,” Claira said, her eyes flashing with wonder.

            “Last one outside is a rotten potato!” Creed called behind him as he ran to the back door.

Claira was right behind him. They found their Gammy in the building where the kennels for the Dachshunds were kept.

            “Okay, Creed, choose your chore: water the dogs or feed the dogs?”

            “Water!” Creed announced with a big smile across his face.

            “I get to feed!” Claira shouted, clapping her hands.

            The two kids began to do their jobs, while Gammy shooed the dogs into other pens so she could clean the kennels they just left.

            “Gammy, what kind of dogs are they again?” Creed asked as he let the water from the hose fill the dogs’ stainless-steel bowls.

            “Dachshunds,” Gammy said. She used a broom and a pan with a long handle on it to sweep the dog kennels free of muck.

            “And,” Creed went on, putting his finger in the air, “why are they so special? Tell me again.”

                Gammy smiled, proud of her little grandson for wanting to know more information about the dogs that she loved to raise and sell.

            “Well, they make good pets for people and families. Kids get along with them well.”

            Claira interrupted, “And for kids like us!”

            Gammy went on, “They are also called wiener dogs and sausage dogs. Most people love them. And they come from Germany. In that country, they are called badger dogs because they like to hunt badgers and rabbits. They rank high by the American Kennel Club as popular dogs.” Gammy was almost finished cleaning the kennels. “That’s why I raise and sell them.”

            Claira finished putting dog food into the bowls and went over to the runs where the dogs were outside in the evening air. 

            Creed finished the watering and joined his sister. “My favorite is the red one with the fluffy ears.”

            “And mine is the black ones with brown on them,” Claira joined in the conversation.

            Gammy stood beside them looking at the few puppies remaining. “I like them all.”

            Claira looked up at her grandma. “Then why do you sell them? Why don’t you keep them here with you and Grandpa Mike?”

            Gammy laughed again. She loved her grandchildren and enjoyed them staying with her. “Well, what would happen if I kept every single puppy?”

            The two children thought for a moment. Their eyes grew round, and they both answered at the same time, “You’d have hundreds of them!”

            “Well, that’s about right, way too many to keep inside this building and allow them plenty of room to move around and the runs to let them go outside when they want to.”

            “Plus, you’d have to buy hundreds of bags of dog food!” Creed announced, his face serious as he looked at his grandma.

            “Wait a minute,” Claira said, looking around the kennel. “Where’s Little Man?”

            They looked around for the little brown and white Dachshund. He was missing. Among the other seven puppies, there were two gone.

            “Oh no,” Gammy said, rolling her eyes. “We’ve got to find him and his sister! It’s getting dark in the next fifteen minutes and they cannot be left outside the building.”

            “Will they die?” Claira asked.

            “That’s possible. Or a roaming animal might eat them.”

            Both children gasped, then groaned.

            Down the hill from the dog kennel was a small bluff. The drop-off was extreme, and nothing could ever survive a fall from it. This part of the property was a wild landscape with caves and holes. Some of it had already been cleared.

            As Gammy and the two children neared the drop-off, they heard whimpering. “There! I heard it, it’s the puppies!” Creed shouted, pointing down three feet to a little ledge.

            They saw the two pups, brother and sister, Little Man and Little Bit huddled together.

            “I’m too big to fit through the fence,” Gammy said.

            “I can do it, Gammy!” Creed spoke up.

            She thought for a moment before she answered. There was no one back at the house to help and darkness was closing in on them now. They had to try to rescue the puppies or risk them staying where they were until they could get someone else to help.

            “I’ll help, too,” Claira said.

            “I guess we can try, but kids, please be careful where you step and don’t fall off the ledge!” Gammy gave in.

            She helped Creed squeeze through the fence rails and hung on to his legs for a few moments until he got his footing. Claira went through, too, and stayed close to the fence.

            Claira said softly to her brother, “I’m here waiting, Creed. When you get a puppy, you can hand it to me, and I’ll give it to Gammy.”

            Creed nodded his blonde head and stretched his arm out. The puppies were crying out louder now that their people were near them.

            Creed reached for Little Man, but the puppy jerked his leg away from his hand. “Little Man don’t be afraid,” Creed whispered to the pup. “I’m here to save you.”

            The girl puppy moved closer, so Creed was able to grab her belly and lift her off the ledge. “I’ve got Little Bit!”

            “Hand her to me.” Claira reached for the spotted puppy. When Claira had a good hold on her, she transferred Little Bit to Gammy.

            “Good deal!” Gammy said, snuggling the pup to her chest. “Now Creed, do be careful!”

            Creed spoke softly to Little Man who was now yapping. He reached for the pup’s hind leg, but chat and rocks fell loose from the hillside, sliding away.

            Claira shouted at her brother. “Creed! No!”

            Creed stopped and gained his breath, then reached down farther, grabbed the pup’s back legs, and pulled him into his hands. “Got Little Man!” He handed the pup to his sister and waited for Claira to go through the fence, then he crawled through and stood next to Gammy. 

            “You did it!” Gammy shouted. “You saved the Dachshunds!”

            Creed beamed. “I thought I was going to fall that one time. But I held on!”

            Darkness enveloped them. It was time to get the puppies back where they belonged and get into the house for dinner.

            After dinner, Gammy read books to the children and showed them some of the papers she had to keep on the dogs she raised. “It’s a lot of work, but it’s something that I love. I wish I could keep all the dogs, but I share them with other people by selling them. That makes everyone happy; I get to love them when they’re born and then sell them to people who adopt a sweet puppy to love and raise as their own family.”

            “Maybe we can adopt a puppy someday,” Claira said. She yawned and stretched her arms wide. “I’m sleepy after all the chores we did today.”

            “I wish I could sleep with the puppies,” Creed told Gammy.

            “I have a thought,” Gammy answered. “I’ll let Dozer come in and sleep with you. Would you like that?”

            Creed’s eyes grew round, and he jumped up and down. “Yes, yes!”

            “The puppies are still too young and have to be with their mothers, but Dozer and Flower Girl are old enough to sleep inside with you both.”

            That night the children snuggled up with their furry friends beside them in their beds. Gammy said good night and closed the bedroom door, leaving the night light glowing softly in the room.

            The next day when the children’s mother came to pick them up, they chattered about what had taken place on the farm with the chickens, roosters, guineas, ducks, and puppies. Creed’s chest puffed out a bit when he told how he had saved the two puppies from falling off the rock ledge or being eaten by nighttime predators.

            Their mother was happy to hear about their fun. “I know you love visiting Gammy!”

            Claira spoke up, “Mom, Creed and I want to adopt two of Gammy’s puppies. She can tell you all about them, how much they cost, and how to take care of them. You know, their shots and health requirements.”

            “Yes! Please, Mom! Let’s tell Dad!” Creed agreed with his sister.

            “Well,” Mother said, smiling and looking at Gammy. “It just happens that we have a big surprise for you.”

            The children grew quiet, waiting for her to go on. Smiles played about their mouths and they wiggled and giggled. They loved surprises.

            “Creed, for your birthday, Daddy said that you may pick out one of Gammy’s puppies.”

            “But it’s not my birthday,” Creed said, frowning. 

            “And I want one too!” Claira stuck out her bottom lip and wrapped her arms around her tummy, pouting.

            “Let me explain, please. Creed, the puppies aren’t ready to go yet, but when your birthday gets here, they will be. Choose one now and it will be yours.”

            Mother turned to Claira. “And your birthday is in December and Gammy will have puppies born and ready to be adopted just in time for your birthday!”

 Both children shouted hooray and danced around, clapping and giggling.

            “You know Flower Girl who spent the night with you last night, Claira? Well, she is going to have puppies and they will be ready to go by your birthday.”

            “Flower Girl’s going to have puppies? Yay!” A big smile drew Claira’s mouth up.  

            Creed thought for a moment. “I know which puppy I want. I want Little Man! I saved him last night just in time to be my doggie!” 

            Claira and Creed knew that birthday puppies were the best, especially when they came from their Gammy who gave them extra love and attention.

                                                                        THE END